About Angie

  • "God keep me from what they call households."

  • --Emily Dickinson

  • Sprich auch du,

    sprich als letzter,

    sag deinen Spruch.

    --Paul Celan

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  • Tsujiki Fish Market Auction

« Angie’s Adventures in Sushi Land | Main | Going Local »

January 04, 2006



Hi Angie--Glad your trip to Japan was so great!...I suppose I'd be in trouble in Asia as someone who doesn't eat seafood, huh?


Hi Lisa:

Yes, on a small island like Japan, seafood naturally plays a big part of the diet. But I'm sure you could still find lots of wonderul things to eat. My youngest daughter managed to get by eating mainly noodles, rice and tofu.


Thanks for the comment--the couscous is crispy when used to coat the chicken. I'm guessing that's why the recipe calls for it being pan fried instead of baked. Although it would probably work if you baked it after drizzling it with olive oil. You should def. try this recipe! Glad to hear your kids eat brussel sprouts. Goes to show you must be a good cook!


That's OK, I'll eat Lisa's seafood for her!

Lisa--In a Nutshell

Hey Angie--Where are you? Traveling? I hope all is well.


Hey Angie .... sure miss reading your wonderful posts! Hope all is well ....


Just came back from Tokyo and visited this market as well.. what an experience! Check out my post on my "Tokyo Adventures!"



These pictures from Tsujiki market are amazing! Please let me know if you would allow any of them to be used in a student film about tuna.

[email protected]

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