About Angie

  • "God keep me from what they call households."

  • --Emily Dickinson

  • Sprich auch du,

    sprich als letzter,

    sag deinen Spruch.

    --Paul Celan

What I'm Reading Now


Independent Bookstores for Independent Minds



  • Tsujiki Fish Market Auction

« A Speech to the Garden Club of America | Main | Cafe Influx »

September 28, 2009



i absolutely love the images you pick and take for your blog. i of course commend the social points you make as well, but the pictures have a way of drawing ppl in. just thought you might want to know. kind of like when someone tells you that your hair looks awesome in the elevator...


Dear H:

Thanks for your kind words. Of course, I spend a lot more time on my food than my hair and, you're right, it's nice when someone notices.

Glad you stopped by and left a comment. Welcome to the San Diego food blogging community. :)

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